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The strength of a good event is that is able to satisfy the participants on more levels- the need to be stimulated and interested- the need to mix with others, the need to feel part of a greater whole, the need for expression and the need to be understood, the need to grow ...

Now when you integrate the core knowledge of interaction between people and with the pure aesthetics of style and ambiance, Nubia  binds the elements together and keep's it rolling to the final destination. Ensuring complete satisfaction!

Our Business and corporate event management team will tailor a solution to your product launch, conference, year-end function, tours or any other business function. Our expertise and creativity are evident in the seamless synchronization all the function aspects.

Events Management

​What makes an event successful?

Audiovisual, sound & lighting
Budgets, reconciliation and delivery to the bottom line
Carbon footprint analysis
Catering and menu design
Event design & decor
Function and party themes
Invitations & RSVP services
Interpretation services
Post-event analysis and client feedback
Registration – online and onsite
Speakers and MC’s
Staging and rigging
Sustainability planning and programmes
Travel, accommodation and logistics

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